
Community Leadership

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Los Angeles Times Reading by 9
The Los Angeles Times Reading by 9 program has worked to address the child literacy crisis in Southern California since 1998. Each year, The Times publishes its bilingual Parent Reading Guide aimed at helping K-3 students read at the appropriate level by age 9, a crucial indicator of future success. This valuable learning tool is distributed in English and Spanish to parents, educators, nonprofit organizations and libraries free of charge. The comprehensive guide includes features such as reading tips and book recommendations from experts, book reviews by kids for kids and community resource information. Offered exclusively by The Times.

2016 Parent Reading Guide:
Download PDF | Order Copies

Guía de Lecturas para Padres bilingüe, 2016:
Para bajar de la Red la versión digital | Para ordenar copias adicionales

Family Fund

The Los Angeles Times Family Fund, established in 2000, is a charitable fund of the McCormick Foundation and receives foundation-matching dollars for its Summer Camp and Holiday campaigns. Since inception, more than $30 million in grants has been distributed through the Los Angeles Times Family Fund. Supported by the community, these programs benefit disadvantaged children and youth. Grants are provided through the Family Fund to qualified agencies with programs focused on education and literacy.

Times in Education

The nationally recognized Times in Education program (TIE) makes copies of The Times, and the new Times electronic edition, available to Southern California teachers and students. Every TIE program focuses on a specific subject or theme and includes lesson plans aligned with California’s instructional framework. Each year more than a million students participate in one or more TIE programs. All are available at no cost to teachers through partnerships with corporate sponsors and donations from Times subscribers.
