
Readers React: Netanyahu’s right -- Israel has no partner for peace

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To the editor: Forget about the hubris The Times displays in telling Israel what is good for its own self-interest. The Times is also wrong in stating that it’s better to acknowledge difficulties in negotiating with the Palestinians as opposed to admitting there is no basis for an agreement today. (“Netanyahu’s cynical campaign,” editorial, March 17)

This false promise of a peace agreement has perpetuated a situation giving rise to false hopes and offering up a means for the Palestinians to use misguided peace proponents to pressure and demonize Israel.

Admitting to and dealing with reality — not unrealistic hopes and dreams — is the only way for co-existence today.


Allan Kandel, Los Angeles


To the editor: On May 14, 1948, 11 minutes after the state of Israel was proclaimed, President Harry Truman recognized it. America’s staunch financial, political and military support has continued since that moment.

Now, nearly 67 years later, it is time to cut the umbilical cord.

Israel’s leaders and citizens are free to choose their own course. But if Israelis want to be a successor regime to South Africa’s undemocratic apartheid-type rule over indigenous populations, let them do so on their own and on their own dime. And if they decide to strike Iran, let them do so alone and on their own dime.


America has put up with and supported their nonsense for far too long. Enough.

Bob Stone, Los Angeles


To the editor: Although you point out that the Palestinians also have contributed to the failure of negotiations, you place the onus for achieving peace on the Israelis.

There can’t be a two-state solution at present since there is no second state to negotiate with. The so-called unity government in the Palestinian territories is not in fact a unity government.


If peace talks were to take place now in earnest, it could only realistically result in a three-state solution: Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. With Hamas in control of Gaza and solidly committed to the destruction of Israel, there is no basis for talks involving it.

With the growing influence of Iran and Islamic State, the danger to Israel’s continued existence is very real. Having a state on Israel’s border with genuine enmity toward it, whether the West Bank or Gaza, allows for the existence of a launching pad for attacks.

This is not the right time for peace negotiations, not until the parties are truly ready to accept Israel’s continued existence.

Emanuel R. Baker, Los Angeles

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