
Reader reactions to ‘Jack Reacher’: The fans are furious

Author Lee Child created a killer character with Jack Reacher. A brutal ex-military officer with a thirst for justice, he’s a force — a massive force. Six-foot-five, 220-250 lbs., with a 50-inch chest is specified on Child’s website.

For months, fans of the books — 17 so far — have been anticipating the film “Jack Reacher,” which opens this weekend, with comments such as: “hope it flops.” They are not looking forward to seeing Tom Cruise, not known for his bulk, portray the hero of Child’s novels.

The comments on an earlier Jacket Copy post reveal just how furious Reacher fans are. Here’s a sample:


Mark Bray: “A movie like this should be made for loyal fans of the book series. To those who don’t know who Jack Reacher is, this is just another action movie, who cares. To fans of Reacher/Child, this is a joke. This movie is a mistake for Cruise and Child, if you can call making tens of millions of dollars a mistake. But playing a role that he is comically unsuited for will only hurt Cruise’s career, and a lot of Lee Child fans feel betrayed for letting this happen.”

Jackie Hulbert: “My vote is a BIG BIG NO NO NO NO NO NO NO to seeing it — hitting Hollywood big whigs where it hurts. They’ve done it to us for years by putting the popular, oh so wrong, individual in a role thinking it will draw in more crowds. I think it’s time we took a stand ... stand outside the cashier’s box and not pay to go in.”

Melody Overland: “I WAS going to see it. I am SOOO in lust with Reacher. So when I saw the trailer I was SOOOO disappointed. Cruise is NOT Reacher. Channing Tatum so IS. I can not believe they actually used an arrogant overexposed short IMBECILE to create such an awesome character. I will not see it and it literally RUINED the whole character for me. HOW COULD THEY DO THIS?”


Lori Erickson: “‘Tom Cruise? He’d be a perfect Jack Reacher!’ said no one ever...”

Paul Lovegrove: “like thousands of Reacher fans, I won’t be wasting my money on this ... movie.”

Laura Seager: “I totally agree with every other fan that is saying Tom Cruise IS NOT Jack Reacher. I am so upset that they chose Tom to play this role. I will not pay money to see this movie, either. Get a real man to play that role and I will be the first in line to see that movie.”

Sally Ross: “When I heard about the choice of Tom Cruise to play Jack Reacher, I was stupefied. This casting has ruined it for me. Even reading and listening to the books are spoiled now, since as I’m reading/listening, I keep trying to imagine Tom Cruise as the hero Reacher. Simply not possible. Most ridiculous casting ever -- and I will not be able to go to the movie. Am totally perplexed by this choice. Such a shame, since I would have LOVED to see a REAL Jack Reacher on the screen.”


Jere Seibert: “It appears that I am not the only one who believes that Cruise is too short (6-8”), too small (70+ lbs), and too old (10-12 years). Even the best of actors (which Cruise is not) would not be able to overcome these handicaps. Better luck next time for the “franchise.’”

The filmmakers did get something right. The film is roughly based on the Reacher novel “One Shot,” which is set in a heartland city -- and the movie was shot in Pittsburgh.


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