
House plans to vote on second phase of tax cuts this month, Paul Ryan says

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House GOP leaders are forging ahead with a plan to vote on a second phase of tax cuts this month, despite dissension from Republicans in high-tax states who say the measure would hurt their voters.

The legislation would make permanent all the individual changes in the 2017 tax law, including the $10,000 annual cap on the federal income tax deduction for paying state and local taxes.

The decision to hold the vote shows leaders have decided they can sacrifice the support of some Republican lawmakers in New York, New Jersey and other high-tax states — and don’t mind putting them in the tricky spot of having to either support the cap or vote against tax cuts backed by their party.


Bloomberg News reported Tuesday that largely because of that dilemma, House Republicans were hitting the pause button on “tax reform 2.0” legislation, according to three GOP aides who requested anonymity to speak about the matter. The lawmakers had wanted to weigh the political benefits and risks of a vote.

On Wednesday, House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., responded “yes” when reporters asked if the vote was still planned for later this month.

Ryan’s comment signals House leaders believe using a second bill to highlight the tax cuts in the two months leading up to the midterms will do more good than harm, even though some Republicans have steered away from campaigning on the law. The tax law’s approval has consistently hovered below 40% in recent polls.

“We’re not resting on our laurels,” said House Majority Whip Steve Scalise. “We’re seeing this great economic growth, and so we’re starting to put together tax cuts 2.0.”

House Republicans have enough members to pass the bill without the support of the 11 lawmakers from high-tax states who voted no on the 2017 tax overhaul and are likely to do so again. The legislation isn’t expected to win over any Democrats, who unanimously opposed last year’s tax bill. And it has slim chances of passing the Senate, where it would need Democratic support — which is why the effort has largely been viewed as a political messaging tool for Republicans.

Some Republican lawmakers in New York and New Jersey have urged leaders to strip the provision on state and local tax deductions — known as SALT — from the bill so they wouldn’t have to take a difficult vote ahead of the midterm elections. Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) said Tuesday: “I’m hoping to just let it sunset. I think a lot of other members would be open to that.”


So far there’s no sign House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady would support the effort. Doing so could open the floodgates for members to start requesting tweaks to other tax breaks that the 2017 law scaled back and which are set to expire in 2026, such as decreasing the cap on the home mortgage interest deduction.

‘Fixing’ the provision

Several House GOP members from high-tax states weighed in to show their displeasure.

“I will not vote for anything that makes the SALT cap permanent,” Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said Tuesday. “Others I have spoken to feel the same way. They are more against it now than they were last November and December.”

Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-N.J.) said he would look at the tax cut 2.0 legislation only “if they fix SALT.” New Jersey has the highest property taxes in the country.

Still, most voters have state tax bills that fall under the $10,000 threshold and don’t feel the pain of the provision, according to Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.).

“It’s tough. I’m in a high-tax state,” Hultgren said. “But there are just a few high-tax states.”

Brady is scheduled to brief members on the legislation Thursday, and his panel is set to start making up the legislation next week.


Davison, Basu and Versprille write for Bloomberg.
