
Frankenstorm experiences: ‘Sandy Specials’ and Goldman Sachs sandbags

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By now, Hurricane Sandy has turned New York and much of the Eastern Seaboard into a coast full of ghost towns.

The storm heavily damaged Maryland's Ocean City Pier, affecting many businesses along the popular resort town’s boardwalk. Gray Line New York, which runs sightseeing tours, canceled all its bus and boat tours for Monday and Tuesday.

Some 9,500 flights are canceled. Gas prices are projected to rise as East Coast refineries close down. Wall Street is a ghost town. At least five states have declared emergencies.

The gale has many looking for the bright side. Snowboarders and skiers said they expect the harsh weather to dump deep, fresh powder at snow sports resorts. Economic analysts said post-storm cleanup could bring much-needed jobs to the construction and retail sectors.

“#Sandy silver lining …@gtowncupcake had plenty of parking and no wait #yum,” wrote Twitter user @hipdanielle.

Still, millions of Northeast residents are now stuck at home, turning to social media to occupy themselves. Here’s their take on the monster storm.
