
Emmys making changes. Get ready for ‘Anchorman 2.5.’

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After the coffee. Before rethinking my priorities in life.

The Skinny: Don’t you hate it when when what you are watching on TV seeps into your dreams? My dreams last night were definitely influenced by “House of Cards.” And no, there were no plastic bags in my dreams. Today’s roundup includes the weekend box-office preview and a look at the legal fight over “Trouble with the Curve.” Also, a new version of “Anchorman 2” is coming and the TV academy is shaking up the Emmy Awards again. If you are interested in receiving an email alert when the Morning Fix is live please send me a note.

Daily Dose: The Federal Communications Commission’s new rules to improve closed captioning were first considered a decade ago but since then have sat in limbo through the reigns of four different chairman. But new Chairman Tom Wheeler pushed them through in just a couple of months. Wheeler is no stranger to the challenges faced by the hearing-impaired. When he was chief executive of a software firm 30 years ago, Wheeler learned sign language from a deaf employee, a skill he showed off at Thursday’s meeting when he signed, “This is only the beginning.”


Here we Lego again. “The Lego Movie” is again expected to finish first at the box office this weekend with a take of $35 million. Heck, even I’m thinking of seeing it. The two new wide releases -- “Pompeii” and “Three Days to Kill” are projected to make $15 million and $12 million, respectively. Also still pulling in viewers is “About Last Night,” the latest Kevin Hart movie. Box-office previews from the Los Angeles Times and Hollywood Reporter.

REVIEW: ‘The Lego Movie’ is a tall stack of subversive fun

Anchorman 2.5. Apparently there were enough jokes left on the floor during the making of “Anchorman 2” for a whole alternative version of the movie. Paramount and the filmmakers are taking a shot that the movie has enough hard-core viewers that it is worth releasing the reworked comedy as “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues: Super-Sized R-Rated Version.” Director and “Anchorman 2” cowriter Adam McKay tells the New York Times that “we started talking and realized, we can replace every single joke in the movie with another joke.” I’m pretty sure I can wait for it on video-on-demand.


Against the curve. Lawsuits claiming someone stole somebody else’s movie idea are a dime a dozen in Hollywood. But the fight over the Warner Bros. movie “Trouble with the Curve” starring Clint Eastwood is particularly nasty. Screenwriter Randy Brown has been accused by producer Ryan Brooks of copyright theft and even covering his tracks by doctoring notebooks and other materials related to the script. On Monday, a judge will hear from both sides. A preview from the Los Angeles Times.

Don’t ask, don’t tell. The FCC is modifying a survey it plans on conducting this spring regarding television news coverage by local stations. Questions that could be interpreted as seeking to learn more about editorial decision-making will be removed. The survey, aimed to see how local TV stations are meeting public interest requirements when it comes to news coverage, is seen by some -- including FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai -- as an example of a government agency overstepping its role. More from the Washington Post.

Guessing this won’t shorten the show. The Television Academy of Arts & Sciences approved several changes to the Emmy Awards, including breaking up the category of best movie and miniseries into two categories. That move was done in response to some TV shows such as FX’s “American Horror Story” opting to be categorized as miniseries instead of dramas. Details on the changes and their implications from Variety.


Inside the Los Angeles Times: Betsy Sharkey on “Three Days to Kill.”

Follow me on Twitter. It makes for a better weekend. @JBFlint.
