
On New Year’s Eve, the movie-themed Endie awards

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There are many ways one takes stock at the end of a year: by lives lived, by lessons learned, by the number of times you rode a mile in some creepy dude’s car thinking it was an Uber. (We’ve heard.)

If you see a lot of movies, though, you count the cost in other ways: by the films and film stories that went down over the previous 12 months

Here, then, are the first Endie awards, the movies and people deserving of special honors as we close out the year. We named them so in part because, well, it makes more sense to call them that than the Starties, and in part because Sony and Seth Rogen would have had a much easier 2014 had they just made “This Is the End 2.”


Here are your winners:

The Reversal Of Fortune award
“The Interview” and Sony executives. Was there ever a better example of making a massive bungle look like a bold experiment?

The Movie That By All Rights Should Not Exist And Now Could Win Best Picture award
“Boyhood.” I mean, c’mon.

The Trend That Really Needs To Go Away award:
Franchises that cash-grabbily and unnecessarily add sequels. Also known as The Hobbitjay award.

The Trend That Really Needs To Go Away Even More award
People who proclaim movies like “Interstellar” the best thing ever before they see a frame and then dismiss it as the most disappointing thing ever after they do


The Okay Let’s Have a Low Opinion of Hollywood but Maybe Not That Low award
Those who said “12 Years A Slave” could never win best picture

The Movie That People Looked at You Like You Kick Puppies If You Dissed It Even Though It Was Only Sometimes Funny and Made No Sense award
“Guardians of the Galaxy.” And the puppies are fine.

The It’s OK to Believe the Hype Because It’s Just That Good award
“The Lego Movie.”

The Film That Had Far More Interesting Ideas Than Anyone Gave It Credit for award
“Transcendence.” Yeah, we said it.

The Movie in Which Shia LaBeouf Playing the Loving Mate of a Sex Addict Isn’t Even the Most Questionable Choice award
The “Nymphomaniac” films

The Best Drama Of The Year award
Shia LaBeouf’s life

The Movie That Proves Festival Buzz Can Be Illusory award
“Foxcatcher.” Still good, though.

The Movie That Proves Festival Buzz Can Be Real award
“Whiplash.” Yep, it’s that good.

The Why Do People Say It’s Polarizing? award:
“Birdman.” (No, really. Why?)

The Thing That Makes Us Especially Grateful for Twitter award
John Travolta’s pronunciation affliction

The Guy We’ll Never Be Able to Get Enough of In An Interview award
Phil Lord (see under: “The Lego Movie”)

The Movie That Was Nowhere For A While But Seems To Be Rising award
“American Sniper.” Hashtag: #dontforgetmilliondollarbaby

The Movie Hailed as a Best Picture Front-Runner That Sputters With Voters But Becomes a Hit Instead award
“Unbroken.” Also known as the Chicken Pox Consolation Prize

The Sign That Movies Are Doing Just Fine award
The fact that since last December we’ve had “Her,” “Lego,” “Boyhood” “Birdman” and “Citizenfour”

The Sign That Movies May Not Be Doing Just Fine award
The “Entourage” trailer

The Most Welcome Not-So-New-Trend award
Good fact-based movies like “American Sniper” and “Selma”

The Movies That Shows Docs Can Still Do Facts Better award
“Point and Shoot” (Check it out here.). Also, “Red Army.”

The Best Movie You Didn’t See award
“Leviathan.” Runner-up: “Wild Tales”

The Movie You Saw and Are Still Not Sure You Saw award
“Inherent Vice”

The Sign That TV’s Film Adaptation Craze Has Gone Too Far award
“12 Monkeys.” Have these executives never heard of Netflix?

The Sign That Netflix Is On To Something award
Its decision to get into features.

The Sign That Netflix May Not Be On To Something award
Its decision to get into features via Adam Sandler and cut-rate “Crouching Tiger” sequels

The Burst of Studio Genius award
DC and Marvel, for turning ordinary slate announcements into major news events

The Burst of Studio Badness award
The realization that all that Hollywood will do for the next five years is make DC and Marvel movies


Twitter: @ZeitchikLAT
