
Video: Basement Jaxx’s ‘Never Say Never’ clip debuts ‘Twerk-Bot’ technology

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The striking new video from British production team Basement Jaxx should serve as both a wake-up call and a reassurance for those worried about the endangered practice of dancing.

A ridiculously funky, bawdy and funny sendup of a promotional film for a robotics company, the clip for “Never Say Never” depicts engineers working to resurrect the lost art of body-movin’. As depicted by director Saman Kesh, Jaxx’s clip boasts of “bringing dance back to mankind” through its innovative “Twerk-Bot 1.0.”

The video opens with some shocking (and fictional) statistics: Seventy-two percent have stopped partaking in the art of dancing; in 15 years, that number will increase to 98%. The solution: Through 1,400 days, 118 employees and 17.5 billion yen, “Jaxx Industries” has produced “an achievement that will stimulate the world to dance again.”


Ladies and gentlemen, Jaxx Industries presents the twerking robot.

Featuring “triple-jointed pneumatics,” patented Jaxx buttocks (“self-lubricating, machine washable”), anatomically correct design, Anti-hip-lock technology (“thrusts of up to 124 twerks per minute”) and achieved through nearly four years’ worth of human research (including hands-on work by two engineers), Twerk-Bot is on full display throughout “Never Say Never.”

The song is taken from the long-running neo-house producers’ forthcoming “Junto,” a banging full-length that should bring Basement Jaxx well-earned new attention. It comes out Aug. 25.

Follow Randall Roberts on Twitter: @liledit
