
Bad taste on the block; a fresh breath of spring

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What you’ll be talking about: Remember that O.J. Simpson book? Last year, America finally stood up for itself when we agreed that “If I Did It” was too grotesque -- even for a nation of Anna Nicole Smith gawkers. This week, Simpson auctions the film rights to the book, but don’t freak out. Whatever money he makes will go to Ron Goldman’s family. (Tuesday)

What we’ll be talking about: “Spring Watch USA.” The official first day of spring was way back in March, but as we expats from the East Coast dimly remember, this part of the hemisphere doesn’t fully wake up until sometime in April. That’s why Animal Planet is waiting until this week to launch a three-week, as-it-happens, multimedia event chronicling the season’s arrival across the country. They’ve put cameras in nests and caves and trained them on beaches and rivers so we can watch all the brand-new spring babies arrive and start to grow. Let the cuteness and anthropomorphizing begin! (Saturday)

For the record:

12:00 a.m. April 19, 2007 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday April 19, 2007 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 47 words Type of Material: Correction
Nine Inch Nails: An item in the Smart List in Sunday’s Calendar section said the new Nine Inch Nails album, “Year Zero,” had 18 months of viral marketing behind it. That marketing campaign began with the release of the album and continues for the next 18 months.
For The Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday April 22, 2007 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 49 words Type of Material: Correction
Nine Inch Nails: An item in the Smart List in the April 15 Calendar section said the new Nine Inch Nails album, “Year Zero,” had 18 months of viral marketing behind it. That marketing campaign began with the release of the album and continues for the next 18 months.

What you should be talking about: Music marketing madness. The music industry is getting awfully elaborate in its attempt to sell records these days. Promotion for “Year Zero,” the latest Nine Inch Nails release, was an 18-month extravaganza that included leaving USB drives with songs from the album in the restrooms at NIN shows and having fans piece together clues from T-shirts that led them to an online scavenger hunt. The full album finally comes out this week. (Tuesday)


What nobody will be talking about: “The Apprentice.” These days, we think of The Donald as the guy who fights with Rosie O’Donnell, engages in wacky head-shaving World Wrestling Entertainment gimmicks and gives talks sponsored by the Learning Annex (though they are the biggest and classiest fights, gimmicks and annexes in the world). We forgot all about his little reality show, “The Apprentice.” Was he the one with the “See you later, decorator” catchphrase, or was that someone else? ... Anyhow, this week he asks his remaining contestants to make a short movie. (Today)


