
‘TiVorexia’ hits the coasts

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Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

Boop. Boop. Boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop. BONK.

Ugh! That’s it?

TiVo owners and those with other digital-video-recording, skipping-commercials-enabling devices -- 20% of America, we’re talking to you! -- you know what we’re saying.

You turn on the TV and hit the blue “Direct TV” button on top of the remote. Ping. “Now Playing List”? Yes, please.

And then, a writers-strike-induced disaster: A couple of “Simpsons” reruns; that guilt-inducing “When the Levees Broke” (how long has that been there?); three favorite “Three’s Company” episodes; a half-watched episode of “Ugly Betty”; and that time our best friend from high school won a Tiffany lamp on “The Price Is Right.”


Slim pickings. Dangerously slim!

We’re suffering from TiVorexia.

“My TiVo is at a mere 16% capacity,” wrote one former show-runner suffering the same affliction in an e-mail to friends. “I have nothing left but ‘Little House on the Prairie’ reruns.”

Another friend had no choice but to spend the weekend watching an “America’s Next Top Model” marathon. (Turned out he liked it, but still!)

Wondering whether others were similarly afflicted with TiVo anemia, we asked a mix of media makers, commentators and consumers what they have left on their TiVos.


What did we learn? Well, at least we don’t suffer alone.
