
This Week in Calendar

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The following reviews are scheduled:

Jonathan Kirsch reviews “The Lincoln Highway: Coast to Coast From Times Square to the Golden Gate” by Michael Wallis and Michael S. Williamson.

Bernadette Murphy reviews “The River Wife,” a novel by Jonis Agee.

Tim Rutten reviews “The Song Before It Is Sung,” a novel by Justin Cartwright.

Kai Maristed reviews “The Devil Came on Horseback: Bearing Witness to the Genocide in Darfur” by Brian Steidle and Gretchen Steidle Wallace.

David L. Ulin reviews “Spent,” a graphic novel by Joe Matt, and “Postcards: True Stories That Never Happened,” edited by Jason Rodriguez.


On the Web

At, Ed Park’s Astral Weeks highlights some otherworldly science fiction: Liz Williams’ “Precious Dragon” -- the third novel in a series that takes place in a futuristic underworld, complete with goddesses and demons -- and David Wellington’s “13 Bullets,” which blends the tropes of detective fiction and the vampire thriller into something that is at once familiar and new.

Also on the Web, look for our expanded bestsellers and listings of local literary events, along with Jacket Copy, our books and publishing blog.
