
Herman Miller’s new Embody chair

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The Aeron chair has long ruled as an office status symbol, a throne for key-stroking drones and corporate captains. This week its manufacturer, Herman Miller, launches Embody, created by Jeff Weber and the late Bill Stumpf, the latter of whom co-created the Aeron. Tapered at the shoulders to allow greater ease of movement, Embody is built without a shell, providing ergonomic support through an exposed skeleton with dozens of flexors that adjust to the user’s movement. The chair is available in many fabrics and colors, including mango, shown here. Prices start at $1,295. Jules Seltzer Associates, 8833 Beverly Blvd., West Hollywood.; (310) 274-7243; To see more home office seating, look for the bonus photo gallery posted at

-- David A. Keeps
