
Newly Minted Americans

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Last month, 6,139 men and women from about 100 countries took the oath of citizenship at the Los Angeles County Fairplex in Pomona. The emotional celebration included a salute to the flag, a videotaped greeting from President Bush and a video of singer Lee Greenwood performing “God Bless the U.S.A.” Some of the participants discussed their American dreams


Barbara Steele

59, Actress/Producer

Beverly Hills

Country of origin/time in U.S.

Great Britain/25 years.

How did you come to America?

I had a contract with 20th Century Fox. It was a much more innocent world then.

What surprised you about America?

The strong identification that Americans have with the flag, which Europeans do not have at all.

What American do you most admire?

Billie Holiday and Martin Luther King Jr. They spoke from the soul.

What would improve America?

We could lose TV for a year. We could be less celebrity-driven and quit portraying material interpretations as the answer to life.


What character traits are typically American?

It’s interesting how emotional Americans are about being American. My friends at the ceremony were weeping away.

What English custom would you import here?

The corner store with the butcher, the baker and candlestick maker. I also miss those country pubs with the big fires where you could go read a book and have a sausage on a stick with all these lovely multigenerational people.


Marina Onaca

26, President, Worldwide Cultural Exchange

Santa Clarita

Country of origin/time in U.S.

Romania/5 1/2 years.

How did you come to America?

I applied for a diversity visa. I was one of 7 million who applied. I won the lottery!

Your American dream?

I have a business where students come from all over the world to visit the United States. I know that I cannot become the president, but I want to be as high in the political system as I can.


What American do you most admire?

I’ve read a lot of Thomas Jefferson. I really admire his ideals.

What would improve America?

I would probably improve the traffic system here.

What character traits are typically American?

Smiley people. You look at somebody you don’t know, but they smile. That really shocked me. In my country, when you talk to somebody you don’t really look at them in the eyes.

Hardest thing to understand about Americans?

How they can be so friendly and outgoing all the time. You can have the worst problems at home and you go to work and smile. Being able to serve people, too. Almost everything here is based on customer service and being able to be nice.


Tonya Kang

23, School District Secretary


Country of origin/time in U.S.

Taiwan/18 years.

How did you come to America?

My parents came six months before us. They came over on a tourist visa and applied to stay.


Your American dream?

I want to be a child psychologist. I’ve worked around kids for the last two years and they’ve changed my life.

What American do you most admire?

A lot of educators are really great. I love my sixth-grade teacher, Henry Kort, from Ripon Christian School by Modesto. He checks in still.

What do you like best about America?

The diversity. You walk down the street and you hear like seven different languages. Everybody thrives together in this huge getting-along place.

Favorite American slang phrase?

“Okey-dokey artichokey.” When people are putting demands on you, you just say, “Okey-dokey artichokey” and walk out of the office.

What custom from your native country would you like to import here?

Going by the Lunar Calendar. It’s much more accurate with the weather. The Chinese are just very good at calculating things like that.
