
After appendectomy, Trevor Noah ribs U.S. emergency rooms, forms-toting nurses

Trevor Noah returned to “The Daily Show” anchor chair Thursday night after “the world’s shortest vacation” to tell of his adventures in an American hospital.

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Trevor Noah returned to "The Daily Show" anchor chair Thursday night after "the world's shortest vacation" to tell of his adventures in an American hospital.

The South African-born host took a night off from his new late night gig to undergo an emergency appendectomy on Wednesday and lived to tell the tale -- well, just barely, he hinted.

The 31-year-old had to cancel Wednesday's show because his appendix perforated and he was taken to an emergency room to have it removed. His experience provided plenty of fodder for Thursday's night's episode.

"A lot of people ask me, 'Hey, Trevor, what's it going to be like commenting on America if you're not from America? Well, I was like, I'm going to have to experience America. And what better way than enjoying America's healthcare system for myself?" Noah said in his opening remarks recounting his "interesting experience" going to the emergency room.

And that's when the ribbing began.

"I don't know if emergency room is the right term, because they make you wait," he quipped. "I feel like there should be two rooms: a room for emergencies and a room for people who can fill out forms."

Noah thanked his "fantastic surgeons" but didn't have as much adoration for a persistent ER nurse who needed him to complete several forms before he was admitted.

"What more information do you need other than the fact that I'm dying?" he said, explaining that he was in a great deal of pain. However, the nurse kept pushing the forms on him and even told him he had to go elsewhere if he needed to faint.

"'Are you telling me where I can and cannot faint?' I'm keeling over and trembling from the pain," he said.

Finally, after he was admitted, the same nurse came after him again.

"She goes, 'Sir, sir, I've got more forms you can fill out .... How are you paying for this?' I was like, 'With my my life, clearly, because you're not helping me,'" he joked.

Noah said he was eager to get back to work after the operation, even though Comedy Central told him he could take as much time off as he needed. However, he wanted to return Wednesday "with the stitches and everything."

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