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Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai said he would stay in the government and challenge President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF to implement last year’s political deal in full.

Tsvangirai said his Movement for Democratic Change was suspending last month’s Cabinet boycott, imposed in response to what it said was Mugabe’s refusal to abide by the agreement.

Tsvangirai told party supporters at a rally outside Harare, the capital, that the boycott was a wake-up call for Mugabe not to regard his party as a junior partner in the fragile 9-month-old coalition.


“We will not leave, our people told us that we should fight from inside. Why should we leave when we are the majority party?” said Tsvangirai.

A meeting of the Southern African Development Community in Mozambique last week gave Mugabe and Tsvangirai 15 days to resolve the issues threatening to derail the unity government, after which South Africa, which has been facilitating a rapprochement, would step in.
