
How have conversations about sexual assault and harassment changed over time?

Sexual assault survivors along with their supporters at the #MeToo march against sexual abuse in Los Angeles.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)

In the past weeks, a growing conversation about sexual harassment has erupted.

As sexual misconduct allegations against men in Hollywood have surfaced, myriad women have publicly shared their stories. We’re exploring how this conversation has changed, generation to generation, and are looking to speak with mothers and daughters/sons on-camera about the differences and similarities in how they were raised to talk, react and take action when it comes to sexual harassment and assault.

When you talk to your mothers or children about sexual misconduct, what kinds of concerns arise? How have your personal experiences differed? Share your experiences with us.

If you live in L.A. County, send us an email with the names of the two participants who would be willing to speak with us. We are looking to speak with mothers and daughters or mothers and sons. Please share ages, location and a phone number you can be reached.



Claire Collins / Los Angeles Times
