
Opinion: Trump the deal maker showed up in the Middle East

President Trump and his wife, Melania, arrive at Leonardo Da Vinci International Airport near Rome on May 23, 2017.
(Andrew Medichini / AP)
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To the editor: It is not surprising that most politicians do not understand President Trump. He is a pragmatist in a sea of ideologues, and pragmatists are willing to compromise, figuring that it is better to get some of what you want rather than nothing. (“Leaving his troubles at home, Trump gets a royal welcome in Saudi Arabia,” May 20)

If you read Trump’s 1987 book “The Art of the Deal,” it is apparent that the president starts out a negotiation asking for the best he could possibly get, knowing that he will settle for less, to consummate the deal. So, when the president visits Saudi Arabia, seeking a NATO-like alliance against Islamic terrorism, you know that he would be happy with a back-door agreement that privately achieves much of what he wants.

But the ideologues back home are already saying that his trip is flawed because he did not publicly address human rights violations in the region. They must realize that this trip is focused on fighting terrorism, and human rights can be addressed quietly now or at another time.


Let’s give kudos to the president for the positive steps he is taking.

David Kaye, Granada Hills


To the editor: Boy, these Saudis have got Trump’s number.

Greet him like a Roman emperor, bestow gold medals, stage elaborate entertainment and tell him he’s the smartest, bravest U.S. president to have ever visited the land of beheadings, crucifixions and floggings.

Top that, Israel and Vatican City.

Melissa Verdugo, Rancho Palos Verdes


To the editor: I worked day and night to get Trump elected, sending countless letters to countless people. I contributed money, largely because he promised to “tear up” the Iran nuclear agreement negotiated by the Obama administration and to stop North Korea’s development of intercontinental missiles that could reach the United States.

But he is allowing the Iran agreement to stand, and he is doing nothing to dismantle Kim Jong Un’s nuclear weapons program except blabbing to the impotent United Nations about sanctions.


Philip Springer, Pacific Palisades

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