
Football: Chatsworth is City Section Division II title contender

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With nine starters back on defense, six on offense and a pair of very fast twins ready to make an impact, Chatsworth could challenge Los Angeles for the City Section Division II football championship this fall.

The Chancellors are switching to a more pass-oriented attack behind junior quarterback Tyger Goslin, who took over starting duties last October after becoming eligible following his transfer from Westlake.

Chatsworth is adding some big-time speed with the development of sophomore twins Daniel and Ronald Kamulali. They will play receiver and defensive back. Daniel ran a 10.92 100 meters last spring as a freshman.


“They’re fast,” Coach Andrew Kim said.

Leading the defense will be middle linebacker Javin Mitra and defensive end Michael Sandoval.

Goslin’s ability to run, pass and improvise should be a major plus for the Chancellors.

