
Pipeline rupture spews 50,000 gallons of crude oil in Atwater Village

10,000 gallons of crude oil from a burst pipeline spilled over a half-square-mile area in Atwater Village on Thursday.

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A 20-inch pipeline ruptured in Atwater Village early Thursday, spewing more than 50,000 gallons of crude oil over an approximately half-square-mile area, authorities said.

In some places, the oil was knee-high, affecting several businesses near the line rupture in the 5100 block of West San Fernando Road, according to the Los Angeles Fire Department.

The above-ground pipeline, which ruptured shortly after 1 a.m., was shut off remotely as fire crews worked throughout the morning to contain the runoff, the department said.


Photos on social media sites showed oil spewing up and out onto nearby equipment and flowing down city streets in the largely industrial area. It was not immediately clear which business owned the oil line.

There were no reports of injuries, but the fire department said multiple vehicles parked at The Gentlemen’s Club nightclub nearby were affected by the spill.

Hazardous-material and street maintenance crews were at the scene with sand and other materials to stop the runoff and sop up the oil, officials said.

