
Mitt Romney endorses Tony Strickland for Congress to help GOP

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Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, taking a broadening role in efforts to help candidates of his party, on Wednesday endorsed former state legislator Tony Strickland, the Strickland campaign announced.

The former state assemblyman and state senator is running in the June 3 primary for the Los Angeles-area seat being vacated by Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Santa Clarita), who is retiring when his term expires.

McKeon already has endorsed Strickland, one of several Republican candidates in the GOP-leaning 25th Congressional District.


“I am pleased to endorse conservative Tony Strickland in his bid to succeed Buck McKeon in the United States Congress,” the former Massachusetts governor said in a statement issued by the Strickland campaign.

“An experienced legislator, a devoted husband and father and a longtime community leader, Tony Strickland is exactly who we need in Congress,” the statement continued.

Strickland served as California co-chairman of Romney’s 2012 campaign for president.

After his loss to President Obama, Romney stayed out of the political spotlight but now has begun to assume the role of helping the GOP broaden its appeal and elect more of its candidates.

Romney earlier this week endorsed a Republican candidate in an Arizona congressional district and was featured in a TV ad supporting Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho).
Twitter: @jeanmerl
