
Trayvon Martin’s school records sought by Zimmerman attorneys

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Defense lawyers are seeking the school records of Trayvon Martin, the black teenager shot to death earlier this year by George Zimmerman in a confrontation at a gated community in Florida.

Zimmerman is facing a second-degree murder charge in the celebrated case.

In a post on the defense website, Zimmerman’s lawyers said they have sent subpoenas to schools attended by Martin, 17, who was killed Feb. 26. Zimmerman has maintained that he shot the unarmed Martin in self-defense.

“Our first request is a series of Subpoenas for Production of Documents requesting school records for Trayvon Martin,’’ according to the post by the law firm of Mark O’Mara, who represents Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer. The defense is also seeking posts by Martin on social media sites. Among the documents being sought are school discipline and suspension records.


PHOTOS: Tense moments from Trayvon Martin case

At the time of the shooting, Martin was under suspension from the Miami-Dade County school system because of traces of marijuana found in his book bag.

Ben Crump, the attorney for the Martin family, denounced the subpoenas as a “witch hunt to try to assault [Martin’s] character.”


“None of those things that are being subpoenaed is relevant to why Zimmerman profiled and pursued Trayvon and shot him in the heart,” Crump told the Orlando Sentinel.

Martin had other suspensions as well, including one for defacing a school door. Women’s jewelry and a screwdriver were also found in Martin’s book bag, according to the Miami Herald, but no action was taken for those items, the newspaper said.



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