
President Obama probably will not attend 2014 Sochi Olympics

President Obama has not attended an Olympics during his tenure in office.
(Alexander Joe / AFP/Getty Images)
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President Obama has never tried to hide the fact he is a big sports fan, throwing Super Bowl parties at the White House and filling out his NCAA Tournament bracket each March, but it seems he is not as enthusiastic about the Olympics.

Obama has yet to attend the Games during his tenure in office and probably will skip the upcoming 2014 Sochi Olympics.

Michael McFaul, the U.S. ambassador to Russia, says he expects a “presidential delegation” to make the trip on Obama’s behalf.


“There’s a discussion still going on about who will head it,” McFaul was quoted as saying by the RIA Novosti news service.

First Lady Michelle Obama did the honors at the 2012 London Olympics.

German President Joachim Gauck also plans to skip Sochi. Some see the move as a protest against human rights abuses in Russia, but International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach said this week that Gauck’s absence is a protocol matter.



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