
Dust-Up: Traffic snarl

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  • 1

    God just gave L.A. $100 billion to fix traffic. What would you do? All this week, Ted Balaker and Bart Reed debate traffic, transit, and mobility in Los Angeles.

    March 23, 2007

  • 2

    Buses, subways, light rail, roads, tolling, telecommuting—which options will actually help solve L.A.’s traffic problems? All this week, Ted Balaker and Bart Reed debate traffic, transit, and mobility in Los Angeles.

    March 22, 2007

  • 3

    Does building more roads increase congestion? Does building more light rail reduce it? All this week, Ted Balaker and Bart Reed debate traffic, transit, and mobility in Los Angeles.

    March 21, 2007

  • 4

    How far should the subway system be extended? And should transit systems be subsidized? All this week, Ted Balaker and Bart Reed debate traffic, transit, and mobility in Los Angeles.

    March 20, 2007

  • 5

    What should Los Angeles be doing to solve the congestion problem? Should it be solved? All this week, Ted Balaker and Bart Reed debate traffic, transit, and mobility in Los Angeles.

    March 19, 2007
