
Special Order 40 hinders the LAPD

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Re “No job for the LAPD,” Opinion, May 6

Who does Charles L. Lindner think he is fooling?

According to our Constitution, we are supposed to be protected from foreign invasion. I believe Special Order 40 violates our Constitution and our right to be protected from foreign invaders. As for Lindner’s argument regarding taxing our judicial system if Special Order 40 were repealed, how much time and money would be saved if we stopped coddling illegal foreigners? Why should taxpayers continue to be burdened with the enormous cost of illegal immigration?




Lindner claims that, because Special Order 40 does not allow Los Angeles police officers to inquire about the immigration status of suspects, immigrants are more willing to talk to police and testify in court. But immigrants are hesitant to testify in court not out of fear of being deported but out of fear of retaliation by gang members, who are the real beneficiaries of Special Order 40. Incredibly, Lindner is worried that anti-gang officers would be able to use immigration status to have “known” gang members deported even if they haven’t been convicted of any crime. If officers would have to wait for gang members to commit a crime, it would be like buying insurance after the accident. But if the LAPD is worried that immigrants would be afraid to report crimes, Police Chief William J. Bratton could modify Special Order 40 to apply only to innocent victims and witnesses.



Van Nuys
