
A sibling rift over politics

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A primary campaign, of course, is not a civil war.

But the Hillary Rodham Clinton-Barack Obama contest did pit brother against sister.

J.B. Pritzker backed Clinton. His sister, Penny S. Pritzker, backed Obama. But this was not just any brother-sister rivalry. This was a public split between two Chicago billionaires who are among the city’s most prominent businesspeople. Now that Clinton has lost, the political rift between the heirs to the Hyatt hotel fortune is closing.

J.B., also known as Jay Robert, was a national co-chair for Clinton’s campaign, for which he figures he raised more than $1 million. Now he is calling Clinton backers in Chicago -- and there were many -- to an Obama fundraiser in the city.

It will be held next month at a site to be determined. He is uncertain whether Obama will be there, but he says Clinton will attend -- as will his sister.


-- Dan Morain
