
Will Chris Christie run for the White House?

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None of the guests on Sunday’s morning talk shows could say whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will give it a go and make a bid for the GOP presidential nomination.

Sen. John McCain of Arizona said that although Christie would be a “very viable candidate,” he would be “starting from way behind in fundraising and organization and other areas.”

McCain, the Republican nominee in 2008, sounded another note of caution. “The swimming pool looks a lot better until you jump right in,” he said. “The water may not be quite as warm as you think.”


McCain appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Meantime, Republican Herman Cain told “Fox News Sunday” that Christie’s views on some issues would “turn off a lot of conservatives.”

Moderator Chris Wallace noted that Christie has supported an assault-weapons ban and civil unions for same-sex couples, has said that being in the country without documentation is not a crime and that global warming is real and man-made.

From Cain: “A lot of conservatives, once they know his positions, will not be able to support him.”
