
A dollar in every mailbox: the latest RNC fundraising pitch

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An urgent fundraising appeal from Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus that went out this week included some start-up money in the envelope: a single dollar bill.

Priebus wrote in the letter that he was “risking a dollar bill to get your attention at this critical moment of the 2012 campaign.”

The RNC chairman said the party still needed to raise $7.3 million by Sept. 28 to fully fund its get-out-the-vote operations for presidential nominee Mitt Romney and other Republican candidates.


“Many of my staff here said I was crazy to risk sending you a dollar bill when we need every dollar possible,” he wrote.

Priebus asked supporters to match “the Obama Democrats and their liberal special interest allies dollar for dollar and answer their vicious attack ads so we can win back the White House, reclaim complete control of Congress and elect more GOP governors.”

“That’s why I expect and trust you to return the dollar I’ve enclosed along with an emergency contribution of at least $60 for a total gift of $61. A donation of $121 will provide an even bigger boost.”


INTERACTIVE CHART: Presidential campaign contributions, by state

An “Emergency Election Reply” form provided several options for people to check off, including, “I know every dollar counts, so I am returning the dollar you sent me.”

RNC spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski said the dollar bill gambit served as a reminder that “with people hurting under the Obama economy, every dollar matters.”


No word yet on how many bills the RNC has gotten back.

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