
Ron Paul taunts Jon Huntsman as Iowa caucus results trickle in

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Set to the music from”The Twilight Zone,” Jon Huntsman’s presidential campaign posted an ad last week casting rival Ron Paul as a “crazy uncle.”

The ad, the first in what was promised to be a weekly series titled “The Ron Paul Chronicles,” highlighted some of Paul’s more controversial views. (Watch the ad below.)

Perhaps that’s why someone in the Paul campaign took to Twitter on Tuesday night – as Paul was in a virtual dead heat with Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum for first place in the Iowa caucuses -- to taunt Huntsman, who did not compete in Iowa and was on track to place last with less than 1% of the vote.


LIVE COVERAGE: Iowa GOP caucuses

“@JonHuntsman we found your one Iowa voter, he’s in Linn precinct 5 you might want to call him and say thanks,” the campaign posted on Paul’s Twitter account.

According to BuzzFeed, the campaign posted the statement, then deleted it, then posted it again.


Huntsman spokesman Tim Miller called the tweet “childish” and used it as an opportunity to call attention to Paul’s history of making controversial statements.

“We find it odd that Rep. Paul would attack Gov. Huntsman in such a childish fashion,” Miller said in an email statement. “That said, it is just the latest in a long line of odd statements from him, like when he called Martin Luther King Jr. a pedophile for example.” ,/p>
