
A Foreigner Abused -- and You May Be Next

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Maher Arar’s “Delivered Into Hell by U.S. War on Terror” (Commentary, Dec. 10) should be a warning to all of us to wake up before we transform entirely into what we are fighting. That the author is not a U.S. citizen is no justification for the frightening treatment he received at the hands of the U.S. government. If such abuse of power can happen to a Canadian citizen, U.S. citizens could be next. Let us return to the standards of human rights that we once advocated.

Marilyn K. Slater

West Los Angeles


After reading Arar’s commentary, we realize and shudder to think that this administration is no different from the countries we accuse of terrorizing innocent people. Any one of us could be next.

The FBI agents and police officers who first pulled him aside in a New York airport had a copy of the lease for his Ottawa apartment. This was no random questioning and is only one horrific example of what is really going on under the guise of airport security.


Pat Ostrye

