
Prejudices against teachers, not facts

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Re “Striking the right note,” editorial, Jan. 25

Your latest anti-teacher editorial is long on opinion and short on facts. You forget to mention the fact that other public employees, such as prison guards, got a 30%-plus raise, and police officers get four-day workweeks and raises, so when teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District are offered much less, they feel disrespected. Given that the gods of central planning have taken away most local control, United Teachers Los Angeles thinks it might be a good idea to get decisions back to the school level.

You don’t mention that Social Security discriminates against teachers and takes away their earned retirement. You seem ignorant of the harmful effects of teacher turnover in the district. You also forget that it is getting very expensive to live in L.A. as rents and housing prices are causing an exodus of teachers from the region. If you are unacquainted with the facts about the school district, then you may want to keep your opinions to yourself or just call them what they are -- old prejudices rather than opinions based on facts.


Los Angeles
