
Readers React: Like ‘American Idol,’ Donald Trump is fading into irrelevance

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To the editor: Some observations on the rise and fall of “American Idol” apply as well to the campaign arc of this year’s reality-star presidential candidate, Republican Donald Trump. (“‘American Idol’ became a big star, but now it has been voted off,” April 5)

One pundit notes that the producers of “Idol” didn’t value artistry so much as “a package that would sell.” Trump disdains a coherent campaign platform and instead favors superficial sound bites that poll well.

Another pundit offers that in pop culture, “momentum is hard to maintain.” Trump lately has seen a marked shift in campaign momentum to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). The same pundit avers that the television industry needs “to find a way to connect with real Americans.” Trump, for all his reality-show prowess, has yet to connect with enough real Americans to be deemed electable.


Too bad. With Trump’s presidential hopes dimming, his chances of returning to reality TV appear remote too.

Devra Mindell, Santa Monica

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