
Stop confusing anti-immigration and anti-<i>illegal</i> immigration

Then-Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa expresses his support for a boycott of Arizona at a press conference on April 29, 2010.
(Damian Dovarganes / Associated Press)
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To the editor: While reading your editorial about the Los Angeles City Council’s failed boycott of the state of Arizona, I came across a glaring editing mistake. (“Outrage over Arizona’s immigration law was justified, but L.A.’s boycott proved to be a farce,” editorial, June 27)

You wrote that Arizona adopted “anti-immigration legislation in 2010.” Of course, you surely meant to say “anti-illegal immigration.”

As a writer and former newspaper editor myself, I’m sensitive to the precision and nuance of language. Just thought I’d bring that to your attention. No charge.


Ken Grow, Newbury Park

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