
Readers React: The state Democratic Party’s endorsement of De León over Feinstein isn’t leadership, it’s recklessness

Supporters of Kevin de León and Dianne Feinstein hold signs during a meeting of the state Democratic Party's executive board in Oakland on July 14.
(David Butow / For The Times)
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To the editor: Sen. Dianne Feinstein won last month’s California primary by 2.1 million votes and with 70% of the Democratic vote, but that apparently does not satisfy the commissariat in charge of the California Democratic Party.

Instead, party leaders want second-place finisher Kevin de León, the state’s Senate president pro tem, to be senator and the vote to be split. Rather than respecting the obvious will of California’s Democrats, the party leaders choose to ignore it.

These people must have learned a lesson — from President Trump. They have disregarded the majority’s will, precedent, experience and loyalty. And who needs common sense?


There is one thing the party needs all the time, and that is money. Democrats should not give it to them.

S.R. Willen, Beverly Hills


To the editor: Income disparity is at the root of America’s anger. If households didn’t require two incomes just to pay for healthcare and the rising costs of everything else, life might be less contentious.


It’s the reason why New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hit such a nerve with her simple message: people versus money. That rallying cry is sure to be echoed by Democratic candidates for the next generation.

Think California could ever hear such a message from Feinstein? Not a chance. With a net worth in excess of $40 million, she’s the wealthiest woman in the Senate, conveniently buffered from her constituents’ strife.

Now’s the time for Feinstein to make room for an energetic, younger Democrat to continue her legacy. Bravo to California Democratic Party leaders for endorsing De León.


James Roman, Los Angeles


To the editor: Many of us value the considerable clout that Feinstein has earned in the Senate, a fact that was made clear in June when she crushed De León in the primary.

The state party’s bizarre decision to back De León means that Feinstein will need to spend more time and money on her own reelection campaign when she could have instead allocated those resources to crucial congressional races in California.

If California congressional seats aren’t flipped in November, the state party’s “liberal activist core” can look in the mirror to see why.

Cathy O’Krent, Sherman Oaks


To the editor: Consider where the Democratic Party is today.

We arrived here under the leadership of people like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Steny Hoyer, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Feinstein. What makes anyone think that reelecting these people will get us out of this mess? Isn’t a definition of insanity repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?


De León’s progressive legislative leadership has been remarkable. Let’s give him a promotion and let Feinstein spend more time with her family.

Sara R. Nichols, Los Angeles

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