
Readers React: More cities should follow Los Alamitos and opt out of California’s ‘sanctuary’ laws

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To the editor: Upon my retirement, I will have the opportunity to visit the many states in our great country where friends of mine have moved after getting the heck out of California. They left primarily for two reasons: California’s high taxes, and disgust with living in a state where the politicians work overtime to protect undocumented immigrants.

But maybe my husband and I won’t have to leave, as there appear to be some pockets of sanity around.

The Los Alamitos City Council passed a resolution on Monday declaring its opposition to the state’s “sanctuary” law. For those who missed high school government classes, which appears to include California’s Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra, federal law supersedes state law, especially when it comes to immigration policy.


According to the ordinance, the council “finds that it is impossible to honor our oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States” with California being a sanctuary state. Bravo to Los Alamitos — I hope my city follows its lead.

Robin Itzler, Cypress


To the editor: I read with dismay about Los Alamitos’ action against California’s sanctuary law. And I anticipate with dismay my city once again being at the forefront of taking unnecessary public stands that reflect poorly on us. (Remember the doctored photo of watermelons in front of the White House, courtesy of our then-mayor?)


We have no business committing our tax dollars to a symbolic fight on an issue that cannot possibly affect Los Alamitos in any manner significant to our governance. Yes, we have a large “conservative” base in our city, but in a time when conservatism has become synonymous with mean-spiritedness, I would have hoped that my City Council would have taken a strong stand against it.

Now I am reminded of the quote, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” When I looked at the rancor of the crowd supporting the City Council, I saw a disgraceful enthusiasm for the opposite of this.

I am disappointed.

Henry J. Josefsberg, Los Alamitos



To the editor: I laughed out loud reading this article. The very best comment came from the American Civil Liberties Union attorney who said that the Los Alamitos measure was a “blatant violation of the city’s obligation to follow state law,” and that the ACLU would sue if the measure is given final approval.

So, California can violate federal law, but California cities must obey California law?

What if the City of Santa Monica or the state of Texas decided it did not want to follow federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration laws? Do we all get to pick and choose which laws we obey?

The U.S. Supreme Court, unfortunately, will have to put California in its place.

William Lovelace, Los Angeles


To the editor: It’s ironic that a city named by a Mexican land grant (Spanish for “little cottonwoods”) has chosen this path.

Scott Matz, Los Angeles

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