
Opinion: We should be worried sick about what the Republicans’ Obamacare repeal bill will do to Americans

Senate Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell speaks on a Republican-crafted healthcare bill during a news conference on June 20)
(Michael Reynolds / EPA)

To the editor: Thank you for drawing much-needed attention to the frightening speed and heartlessness with which Senate Republicans are dismantling the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act along with Medicaid. (“GOP’s secret Trumpcare bill will impact a sixth of the U.S. economy. What could possibly go wrong?” editorial, June 21)

I am sick with worry about the suffering this will cause — for people with preexisting conditions, for the 24 million who have gotten much-needed coverage through expanded Medicaid, for middle-class families with elderly parents in nursing homes, and for those of us on employer plans who will see our coverage decrease and lifetime spending caps imposed.

Trumpcare has something to hurt almost everyone — except the very rich who will get a tax cut and can afford to self-insure. Is this really the kind of society we want?


Cynthia Freeman, Los Angeles


To the editor: It seems likely the Senate’s Obamacare repeal bill will get enough votes to pass. The final bill will contain temporary face-saving concessions to the senators who have problems with parts of the House bill.

For me, it is unforgivable that the Republicans do not want the public to have the opportunity to compare Obamacare and Trumpcare and register their concerns before any law goes into effect. I’m afraid the Republicans are more worried about their political lives than the lives of ordinary people in this country.

Ken Hense, El Segundo

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