
Readers React: It’s un-American for Orange County Republicans to charge voter fraud without any evidence

Rep. Mimi Walters thanks supporters as she watches results come in on election night in Irvine.
Rep. Mimi Walters thanks supporters as she watches results come in on election night in Irvine.
(Alex Gallardo / Associated Press)

To the editor: Facing defeat, Orange County Republicans Young Kim and Rep. Mimi Walters play “follow the leader” and blame fraudulent voting for their anticipated losses to Democrats — without a shred of evidence, of course.

Maybe they consult their imaginations for news, which is a great time saver, or perhaps they’ve learned from propagandists who have said that if one repeats a lie often and forcefully enough, people will believe it.

To me, Walters and Kim seem to lack the courage to face their impending defeats. Their behavior is probably un-American also in that they’re willing to undermine trust in legitimate elections to salve their wounded egos.


How’s that for character?

Ron Raybin, Mission Viejo


To the editor: I am disheartened but not surprised that Walters, who represents my 45th Congressional District, would make baseless allegations of voter fraud. Working to undermine trust in the election process, which is critical to democracy, Walters is now in lock step with President Trump.

She might make better use of her time by considering why she is now behind in the vote count. Consider her multiple votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, her vote on the tax bill that reduces the state and local tax deduction, and the nastiness of the president and her party.

I could not be more pleased to see Walters retire to her home in Laguna Beach, which isn’t even in our district.


Tom Johnson, Anaheim Hills

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