Healthy Living

Improve your brain with some help from science

Eight things you can do now that might reduce your odds of dementia later

Eight things you can do now that might reduce your odds of dementia later

May 18, 2017

Scientists generally agree that you can get pretty far in warding off dementia by adopting a healthful lifestyle. What’s good for your body seems to be good for your brain, too. Read the story »

This is your brain on ... the modern world

This is your brain on ... the modern world

May 18, 2017

From Big Macs to digital screens to the air pollution spewed from automobiles, researchers are exploring how all kinds of 21st century conveniences are changing the way the brain works. Read the story »

Why exercise is the best medicine for your brain

Why exercise is the best medicine for your brain

May 18, 2017

Brains don’t come with lifetime guarantees, but there is one major step you can take to protect yourself from Alzheimer’s or other causes of mental decline: exercise your body. Read the story »

How to give your brain a chemical boost, and whether you should

How to give your brain a chemical boost, and whether you should

May 18, 2017

We could all use a bit of performance enhancement for the noggin — something to help us ace that test, command the room or nail a project under deadline. Yes, there's a pill for that. Read the story »

Some amazing facts about your unbelievable brain

Some amazing facts about your unbelievable brain

May 18, 2017

A bunch of amazing facts and figures about the human brain. Read the story »

How to help a loved one cope with dementia

How to help a loved one cope with dementia

May 18, 2017

You found her reading glasses in the fridge, saw bewilderment overtake him in the grocery store, heard from a concerned friend that something didn’t seem quite right. That person who never forgot birthdays and guided you to adulthood now needs your help to navigate life with dementia. Read the story »

When the memory flickers out

When the memory flickers out

May 18, 2017

Dementia is a collection of problems with thinking, learning and memory that are bad enough to interfere with daily living. And it doesn’t have a single origin. A variety of events, occurring singly or together, can damage or kill brain cells, or interfere with how they talk to one another, and thus cause the condition. Read the story »

Is this normal forgetfulness or should I be worried about Alzheimer’s?

Is this normal forgetfulness or should I be worried about Alzheimer’s?

May 18, 2017

Watch to see if carrying out these tasks becomes more difficult. Read the story »

Where are all the medicines for treating dementia?

Where are all the medicines for treating dementia?

May 18, 2017

Doctors don't have a cure for dementia. They don't have a way to slow it down. But what they do have are a handful of drugs that can, a bit, with symptoms. Read the story »

‘I’m 55, I’m healthy and I’m articulate’ – and have Alzheimer’s disease

‘I’m 55, I’m healthy and I’m articulate’ – and have Alzheimer’s disease

May 18, 2017

I can feel my brain deteriorating. It’s getting worse week by week. If you asked me what I did three hours ago, I couldn’t tell you. Read the story »

How our memories are made in the brain

How our memories are made in the brain

May 18, 2017

This illustration shows how the brain stores and retrieves a memory. Read the story »

Additional credits: Tenny Tatusian and Sean Greene