
Crime Report: Several cars parked on Foothill near YMCA burglarized; witness takes photo of suspicious couple’s vehicle

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Aug. 24

Petty theft: 1100 block of Inverness Drive. A man reported that someone stole 24 face bricks from his backyard between 7 and 9 a.m. that day. He’d noticed an unusual trail of footprints in his yard before leaving the property for an appointment. When he returned, he followed the trail and discovered the bricks, which had been there for about 40 years, were gone.

Aug. 25

Petty theft from unlocked vehicle: 4400 block of Hobbs Drive. A man reported that someone entered his unlocked car sometime between 11 p.m. Aug. 24 and 6 a.m. Aug. 25, ransacked it and removed his wallet containing his driver’s license and currency. When he stepped out of his home that morning he saw that the car’s trunk and driver’s side door were both open.

Petty theft from unlocked vehicle: 4300 block of Beulah Drive. A man reported that someone entered his car sometime between 6 p.m. Aug. 24 and 8 a.m. Aug. 25. Like the victim on Hobbs Drive, he noticed the car’s trunk wide open, as was the passenger side door. Taken were a soft briefcase containing work documents and a gym bag filled with athletic clothing. A neighbor who was taking a walk found one of the victim’s work documents on the street.

Vehicle burglaries: Foothill Boulevard near Littleton Drive. Four individuals reported their locked cars were broken into near the Crescenta-Cañada YMCA that morning between the times of 8:45 and 11:16 a.m., with two of them saying the crimes occurred between 9 and 10 a.m. All vehicles were parked on the south side of Foothill and all four of them had been accessed by someone smashing a window on the passenger’s side of the car. The vehicles were ransacked. One victim reported an umbrella was taken from her car’s console; a man said a wallet containing a driver’s license, currency and six credit cards were taken from his car; a third victim reported a GPS system was taken along with currency; the fourth found her car with the passenger window smashed, but nothing appeared to be missing, not even her purse, which she’d left in the trunk. The latter victim said she noticed a suspicious male standing on the sidewalk next to a car. She described him as 40, heavyset, wearing black shorts, a black vest and a blue baseball cap. Another woman who had heard of the car break-ins walked along Foothill to take a look and saw a black Toyota Camry pull up and park in a red zone. This seemed suspicious to her, so she took a photo of the car and front license plate. This action seemed to make the occupants of the car nervous, she said, and they did a U-turn and took off westbound on Foothill. She described the man behind the wheel as a Latino wearing a blue baseball cap. He was accompanied by a short Latina in the passenger’s seat.

Burglary, vehicle: 2100 block of Patagonia Drive. A woman reported that while she was visiting a home there between 8 and 10:20 a.m., someone broke into her locked car by smashing the driver’s side window. Taken from the car’s center console was an At-a-Glance daily planner.

Aug. 26

Identity theft: 5300 block of La Cañada Boulevard. A man reported that while checking his credit report on he noticed a collections notation from a debt collecting agency. He called the agency to learn there was an outstanding balance on a Comcast account that someone at an Illinois address had opened in September 2014, using his personal identification. He had not given anyone permission to open an account in his name.

Twitter: @CarolCormaci
