
Clippers want Lamar Odom to score more

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— Everyone, it seems, wants Lamar Odom to score more.

His Clippers teammates encourage Odom to be more aggressive on offense. Fans, the media and his critics want Odom to stop being so passive on offense.

But Coach Vinny Del Negro said he doesn’t really have an issue with Odom’s lack of offense because his versatile forward supplies so much more.

“I’ve talked to Lamar about that,” Del Negro said. “He understands that. Lamar has to pick his spots out there where he’s comfortable at. He’s doing a good job in a lot of areas for us. But when he’s open, he’s got to make shots for us and make plays off the dribble and get to the rim.”

Odom had only four points against Philadelphia on Monday night.

He took only three shots, making two.

But Odom did have eight rebounds, four assists and one blocked shot.

“He’s getting there,” Del Negro said. “It’s just that we’ve got to be patient with it, support him, build his confidence in those areas. He’s been working really hard. He’s in very good condition now, so hopefully that will happen.”

Caron Butler, Chauncey Billups sit out

Caron Butler and Chauncey Billups didn’t play against the 76ers because each had a sore lower back.

Butler said he hopes to play Wednesday when the Clippers return home to play the Houston Rockets at Staples Center.

Billups said he also hopes to play Wednesday.

“I thought I was fine most of the day,” Billups said. “But I got here and it just wasn’t right.”

It’s the same injury that forced Butler to sit out the second half of the Clippers’ game against the New York Knicks on Sunday.

Butler said he slept wrong in New York on Saturday night and woke up with a stiff back.

“It feels just as bad as it did when I injured it Saturday night,” Butler said. “I need to give it more rest. We’ll try for Wednesday.”

Willie Green impresses teammates

Again, when Billups came back to the starting lineup, Willie Green found himself back on the bench.

But when Billups couldn’t play, Green was back starting at the shooting guard position.

Green didn’t play at all against theKnicks because Billups started.

But Green played 19 minutes 27 seconds against the 76ers.

“It shows what kind of professional Willie Green is,” Chris Paul said. “I don’t think Willie played the other night against the Knicks. Then he came in tonight and didn’t know until right before the game that Chauncey wasn’t playing.”
