
That Browns jersey with all the quarterbacks’ names on it has been retired, thanks to the Cavaliers

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The NBA champion Cavaliers have erased years of frustration for the city of Cleveland  — and that is now reflected on the back of an infamous Browns jersey.

You remember this fashion statement, don’t you?

Tim Brokaw owns that well-known garment and displays it in the storefront window of his Cleveland-based Brokaw, Inc. advertising agency. Officially it’s a Tim Couch jersey, bearing the name of the first quarterback for the Browns when they re-entered the NFL in 1999.

Brokaw has added the name of every quarterback who has started for Cleveland since then on pieces of duct tape — with the previous name crossed off — and the list has grown to an astounding 24 names.

But no more names will be added —– and all the names already on there have been whited out, with just the word “Cleveland” written across the top.

And that’s thanks to the Cavaliers, who delivered Cleveland’s first major sports title since the Browns won the NFL championship in the pre-Super Bowl days of 1964.

"It's a new day in Cleveland," Brokaw told ESPN on Monday. "We want to be a part of that."

Here’s how the jersey looks now:

"Not exactly how we planned it," Brokaw said. "But after last night's historic performance, we realized all negative energy and bad juju should be eliminated from the Land."

He added: "The dark cloud has been lifted."
