Vintage tools, used books, classic films and the perfect lobster roll await.
A Pegasus sign in perfect condition still soars at an old gas station in “downtown” Liberty, Maine. (Kari Howard / Los Angeles Times)
The American Veterans hall in Liberty, Maine, proudly shows its colors on patriotic holidays. (Kari Howard / Los Angeles Times)
Rusty saws and old license plates reminding people that Maine is “Vacationland” are among the items tempting browsers at Liberty Tool Co. in the Maine town. (Kari Howard / Los Angeles Times)
Lake St. George in Liberty, Maine, reportedly one of the clearest and cleanest lakes in the state, is a lovely spot for a picnic. (Kari Howard / Los Angeles Times)
The Big Chicken Barn in Ellsworth, Maine, is full of goodies you didn’t know you needed. (Kari Howard / Los Angeles Times)
The sign says “Lights on for Service” at Cameron’s Lobster House in Brunswick, Maine, and they mean it. When you decide what you want, flick on your car lights and the waitress comes out to take your order. (Kari Howard / Los Angeles Times)