
Los Angeles Times Names Matt Brennan Television Editor

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As part of the rebuilding of the Los Angeles Times, Executive Editor Norman Pearlstine and Deputy Managing Editor of Arts and Entertainment Julia Turner made the following announcement.

We are excited to share the news that Matt Brennan will be joining the Los Angeles Times to edit our television coverage. He’ll be working with Julia Turner and the rest of our talented team to direct and expand our coverage of a vital medium at a fascinating moment for it.

Brennan comes to us from Paste Magazine, where he has been the television editor since 2016, shaping its smart, conversation-driving coverage and expanding the reach of its work. Before Paste, he worked for Anne Thompson, first at Thompson on Hollywood! and later at Indiewire, editing and writing coverage of film and television, including everything from acquisitions and awards to technology to festivals, features and reviews. In a previous life, Brennan was also a high school English teacher.


He will be moving to Los Angeles from New Orleans; his first day is June 3.
