
Opinion: Adam Carolla’s irrelevant rant

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Adam Carolla’s contemptuous rant -- in which he lazily combines millennials and Occupy Wall Street protesters into one generational group and then attacks them for being envious, coddled, entitled -- may have gone viral for such flame-fanning sentiments as …

What we created is a bunch of self-entitled monsters. People are so far out of it in what they expect and what they think realistic is and the set of rules that pertains to them versus the other guys.


… but does anyone care what the radio and podcast personality has to say?

‘Who’s Adam Carolla?” asked Matthew Segal, the president and co-founder of Our Time, a nonprofit dedicated to understanding and supporting millennials through such projects as Buy Young. Not, certainly, a guy who’s up to date with the latest cultural trends, including excessively hardworking millennial women, enterprising young entrepreneurs and realistic and prudent twentysomethings thankful for any opportunity that comes their way.

Carolla complains that millennials go to work itching for lawsuits against demanding employers. Sure, that happens, but is that really tied to a generational effect? Because those who’ve spent time thoughtfully reporting and researching on today’s young adults would certainly disagree.

‘Adam Carolla can go on the air and rant all he wants, but the truth is, most millennials are far from the stereotype he describes,’ Segal tells us. ‘Young people are responsible for an abundance of great technological developments […] which only helps this country’s international competitiveness. Carolla -- who, it appears, was once in touch with the needs and interests of young Americans -- needs a reality check.’

If you missed Carolla’s rant, our friends at Ministry of Gossip have posted a profanity-free version of the audio.


Poverty and the pursuit of happiness


Occupy L.A.: It’s time for a bigger mission

To the 8.6% who remain jobless: Hire yourself

Millennials, lazy? Try enterprising, creative, resilient

--Alexandra Le Tellier
