
Opinion: Obama news conference: He saw the bloody video from Iran

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President Obama was asked if he had seen the graphic video, widely circulated on the Internet, of Neda Agha-Soltan, the protester shot to death during a demonstration in Iran.

Yes, he had.

“Heartbreaking,” Obama said. “It’s heartbreaking. I think that anybody who sees it knows there’s something fundamentally unjust about that.”

Obama had alluded to her when he opened the news conference, and the Iranian protests were a recurring theme today. More than once, Obama said he was concerned about the crackdown by authorities on the protesters challenging Iran’s recent election results: “I think it’s important for us to make sure the Iranian people know we are watching.”


Obama concluded the White House news conference soon after.

This wraps up our live blogging of the news conference as well. Keep visiting for more coverage and analysis. Transcripts of the president’s prepared remarks and his exchanges with the press corps will be available later on the Ticket.

-- Steve Padlla

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