
Hospital Corp. of America said it has...

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Hospital Corp. of America said it has not changed its “intent or purpose” in investing in Pasadena-based Beverly Enterprises, the nation’s largest nursing-home chain, by acquiring an additional 66,202.7 shares, bringing its total stake to 4.4 million, or 17.2% . . . Eastern Airlines said its outside directors endorse a decision by Chairman Frank Borman to extend wage concessions with employee approval . . . Santa Clara-based Intel Corp. was awarded a $60-million, two-year contract to sell microcomputers and software to the Army . . . McDonnell Aircraft, a McDonnell Douglas unit, received contracts totaling $240.6 million from the Navy and Air Force . . . Chrysler said it will raise the prices of its cars an average 0.9%, or $106 a car . . . Assets of the nation’s 335 money market mutual funds fell $2.14 billion to $211.38 billion in the latest week, the Investment Company Institute said. It was the first decline in 17 weeks.
