
New Publisher Appointed for Business Week

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McGraw-Hill Publications Co. on Monday named John W. Patten publisher of Business Week magazine, replacing James R. Pierce, who resigned abruptly last week after 2 1/2 years in that position.

Patten is the former publisher of Aviation Week & Space Technology, another McGraw-Hill publication. In addition to being appointed to the Business Week job, he has been named executive vice president-management for McGraw-Hill Publications, putting him in charge of publications and services aimed at the management market, a spokeswoman said.

Pierce, who is also a former Aviation Week publisher, announced last week that he was leaving Business Week to form his own advertising-sales company and to help Lotus Development Corp., a major software maker, launch a new magazine.


Despite its suddenness, Pierce’s departure was “very friendly,” spokeswoman Mary McGeachy said, noting that he will be joining former McGraw-Hill Publications President Dan McMillan, now a Lotus executive.
