
Governor Participated in Los Angeles in the...

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<i> Compiled by Jerry Gillam, Times Staff Writer</i>

Governor Participated in Los Angeles in the unveiling of a state-funded advertising campaign to promote new business and industry in California.

Assembly Bills Introduced:

Cal-Vet Home Loans: AB 682 by Assemblyman Richard Alatorre (D-Los Angeles) would allow veterans to borrow up to 80% of the average purchase price of a single-family home and repeal the present $75,000 loan ceiling.

Political Action Committees: AB 688 by Assemblyman Patrick Johnston (D-Stockton) would require political action committees to stop using euphemistic titles such as “Good Government Committee” and specifically identify who they represent.


Senate Floor Action: Approved and sent to the governor, by a 29-0 vote, a bill (AB 74) to add federal judges to the list of people authorized to conduct marriages and legitimize past marriages performed by those jurists. The legislation was sponsored by Assemblyman Phillip Isenberg (D-Sacramento).

Bills Introduced: Junk-Mail Advertising: SB 416 by Sen. Herschel Rosenthal (D-Los Angeles) would prohibit the Department of Motor Vehicles from selling lists of names and addresses if the information is to be used for junk-mail advertising purposes.

College Work-Study Program: SB 417 by Sen. Gary K. Hart (D-Santa Barbara) would appropriate $1.5 million to start a pilot work-study program to help college students earn money working in the same field as their major.


Housing: SB 414 by Sen. John Seymour (R-Anaheim) would appropriate $5 million for grants to nonprofit groups that help low- and moderate-income families to build or rehabilitate their homes.

Miscellany: Toxic Waste Alert Reward: A Sunnyvale resident is $2,500 richer because he spotted a suspicious liquid being discharged into a street and reported it to state authorities. The report led to charges of improper disposal of hazardous wastes being filed against a company, a civil settlement and the first “waste alert” reward under a 1982 state law, according to the Department of Health Services.

New Consumer Insurance Lobby: Common Cause, the public interest group, has formed a task force to provide the consumer’s side of the story on insurance bills as they move through the legislative process. A recent study showed the insurance industry has 36 lobbyists in Sacramento to only one speaking for the consumers--a situation Common Cause says is a bit one-sided.
