
Firing Squad Kills Extremist in Indonesia

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Associated Press

Islamic extremist Salman Hafidz has been executed before a 12-man firing squad in the West Java capital of Bandung, justice ministry officials said here Friday.

The officials said the execution was conducted in a secluded place around midnight Feb. 8. Hafidz, 29, was the No. 2 man in the Islamic movement headed by Imron Mohammad, who was executed in April 1983.

Hafidz was sentence to death by the Bandung district court in 1982, after he was found guilty of subversion and murder. His appeal for clemency was turned down by President Suharto on Nov. 30.


Hafidz took part in an attack on the Cicendo police station in Bandung in which three policemen were killed and one other injured.

The Imron group, which advocated an Islamic state in this Moslem-dominated nation, was responsible for hijacking an airliner to Bangkok in 1981.
