
Postscript: : Agency’s Officials Pleased With CDC Director’s Performance

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When John Flores became director of Orange County’s largest anti-poverty agency, the Community Development Council, he knew the job would be a challenge. He arrived in May, one month after the previous director, Norine Miover, left the agency amid allegations of mismanagement and abuse of funds.

Flores himself had been dismissed as head of a gang program in Los Angeles three years before, when the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors charged that he traveled excessively. Flores has said he was dismissed without cause and the claims about his travels had nothing to do with it.

Flores assured CDC officials that he would curtail his travel. After a thorough background check, Flores was chosen from among 120 applicants.


Confidence Won

Almost a year later, CDC officials say Flores has gained the confidence of local officials and the community and has demonstrated his commitment to the fight against poverty.

Board member James Colquitt was on the selection committee that hired Flores.

“I’m very satisfied with our selection. Mr. Flores has almost 100% of the board behind him. He’s looking way ahead (and) has tremendous plans for CDC,” he said.

Rudy Moreno, representing Supervisor Roger Stanton, has been on the board five years and has seen three directors come and go.


“There has been a 300% improvement. . . . John was instrumental in unifying the board (with) his style, his experience and his willingness to listen.

“The key to John’s accomplishments so far is the ability to work with people. Others say ‘do it my way or else,’ not John,” Moreno said.

Clinton Rogers, representing the NAACP, said he felt Flores is doing reasonably well but “I’m probably the most unhappy person on the board at this point. The bulk of the money is going to senior citizens. I would rather see it go towards helping small businesses. . . . I think John could have taken a stronger stand (on that).”


‘A Lot of Turmoil’

In describing what he found when he took over, Flores said, “When I came here there was a lot of turmoil, the budgets were in disarray, operation was disorganized and the management style was chaotic. I knew it would be a challenge.

“My first job was to cement the organization. Then we can go back and begin by telling the public what we are and what we’re doing.”

The CDC was established in 1965 to oversee the spending of private and public funds to combat poverty.

A new information and referral service will be established this year, Flores said, along with a housing loan program, a shelter for victims of domestic violence and a transportation service for low-income seniors and others.
