
Senate Roll Call Approving $1.5 Billion for MX Missiles

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Associated Press

Here is the roll call vote Tuesday by which the Senate approved spending $1.5 billion to acquire an additional 21 MX missiles. There were 55 votes “for” and 45 votes “against.”

Democrats voting for (10):

Bentsen (Tex.), Boren (Okla.), Byrd (W.Va.), DeConcini (Ariz.), Gore (Tenn.), Heflin (Ala.), Long (La.), Nunn (Ga.), Stennis (Miss.), Zorinsky (Neb.).

Republicans voting for (45):

Abdnor (S.D.), Armstrong (Colo.), Boschwitz (Minn.), Chafee (R.I.), Cochran (Miss.), Cohen, (Me.), D’Amato (N.Y.), Danforth (Mo.), Denton (Ala.), Dole (Kan.), Domenici (N.M.), East (N.C.), Evans (Wash.), Garn (Utah), Goldwater (Ariz.), Gorton (Wash.), Gramm (Tex.), Hatch (Utah), Hawkins (Fla.), Hecht (Nev.), Heinz (Pa.), Helms (N.C.), Humphrey (N.H.), Kasten (Wis.), Laxalt (Nev.), Lugar (Ind.), Mathias (Md.), Mattingly (Ga.), McClure (Ida.), McConnell (Ky.), Murkowski (Alaska), Nickles (Okla.), Packwood (Ore.), Quayle (Ind.), Roth (Del.), Rudman (N.H.), Simpson (Wyo.), Specter (Pa.), Stevens (Alaska), Symms (Ida.), Thurmond (S.C.), Trible (Va.), Wallop (Wyo.), Warner (Va.), Wilson (Calif.).


Democrats voting against (37):

Baucus (Mont.), Biden (Del.), Bingaman (N.M.), Bradley (N.J.), Bumpers (Ark.), Burdick (N.D.), Chiles (Fla.), Cranston (Calif.), Dixon (Ill.), Dodd (Conn.), Eagleton (Mo.), Exon (Neb.), Ford (Ky.), Glenn (Ohio), Harkin (Iowa), Hart (Colo.), Hollings (S.C.), Inouye (Hawaii), Johnston (La.), Kennedy (Mass.), Kerry (Mass.), Lautenberg (N.J.), Leahy (Vt.), Levin (Mich.), Matsunaga (Hawaii), Melcher (Mont.), Metzenbaum (Ohio), Mitchell (Me.), Moynihan (N.Y.), Pell (R.I.), Proxmire (Wis.), Pryor (Ark.), Riegle (Mich.), Rockefeller (W.Va.), Sarbanes (Md.), Sasser (Tenn.), Simon (Ill.).

Republicans voting against (8):

Andrews (N.D.), Durenberger (Minn.), Grassley (Iowa), Hatfield (Ore.), Kassebaum (Kan.), Pressler (S.D.), Stafford (Vt.), Weicker (Conn.)
